Main Event Box:
[eventBox id=»2″]
You can set the width of this specific box (overriding default settings)
[eventBox id=»2″ width=»600″]
Main Event Button:
[eventButton id=»2″][/eventButton]
You can change the btn text (initially it is the event title)
[eventButton id=»2″]Custom Text[/eventButton]
Shortcodes for event that occurs on: 2014-6-16
Specific Event Box:
[eventBox id=»2″ date_id=»2″]
Specific Event Button:
[eventButton id=»2″ date_id=»2″][/eventButton]
[eventButton id=»2″ date_id=»2″]Custom Text[/eventButton]
ShortCode Options
Event Box Options:
- width: Override the width set from the settings page!
- id: ID of the event
- date_id: If the event has multiple dates then you can specifiy which one to display. If this is not set then the eventBox will display the next upcoming date. If all dates have passed then the event box will display a message set from the settings, check examples.
The box will also check the bookings, in case all spots were taken then a message (set from settings page) will be displayed, check examples.
Event Button Options:
- include_price: true/false (override option set in settings)
- id: ID of the event
- date_id: If the event has multiple dates then you can specifiy which one to display. If this is not set then the eventBox will display the next upcoming date. If all dates have passed then a «(passed)» msg is appended to the button
The btn will also check the bookings, in case all spots were taken then a «(booked)» msg is appended to the button
Calendar Short Code
You can override the width of the calendar which was initially set in the options.[eventCalendar width=»500″]
Events List Short Code
- events: all, passed, upcoming
- width: in px
- limit: the number of events to show
Event Short Code
These are also included under each event.
Individual Event Box
[eventBox id=»EventID»]
- width: Override the width set from the settings page!
- id: ID of the event
- date_id: If the event has multiple dates then you can specifiy which one to display. If this is not set then the eventBox will display the next upcoming date. If all dates have passed then the event box will display a message set from the settings, check examples.
The box will also check the bookings, in case all spots were taken then a message (set from settings page) will be displayed, check examples.
Individual Event Button
[eventButton id=»EventID»][/eventButton id=»EventID»]
You can change the btn text (initially it is the event title)
and/or override the include price setting[eventButton id=»EventID» ]Custom Text[/eventButton]
- include_price: true/false (override option set in settings)
- id: ID of the event
- date_id: If the event has multiple dates then you can specifiy which one to display. If this is not set then the eventBox will display the next upcoming date. If all dates have passed then a «(passed)» msg is appended to the button
The btn will also check the bookings, in case all spots were taken then a «(booked)» msg is appended to the button